Sunday, 11 September 2022

Mental Health, Informed Decision Making, and Medical Resources for Adults with Developmental Disabilities

Cleaning up some old email and found a link to these COVID-related resources  provided by HCAARDD. from a virtual course offered early in 2021. Some, but not all, over COVID-specific. Includes supports for self-advocacy. They also offer a "Family Matters Toolkit" and a information that can be shared with healthcare providers. [2022/11/13[

Additiona COVID-related resources:

Awake Labs purports to have wearable technology to help caregivers (and individuals themselves) monitor stress levels in people with developmental disabilities.

Apparently the University of Toronto's School of Dentistry provides emergency dental care for those who pay an annual membership. 

CAMH runs "Project ECHO" with a focus on mental health issues for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. It appears to be targeted to professionals, but it's not clear if they would explicitly exclude parents/caregivers. At a minimum it might be a useful resource to share with the service providers in your child's life. [2022/10/06]

About my Health: a worksheet for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to fill out and share with health care providers to make the health care visit a success. 

Resource for bereavement: 

Resources for informed decision-making:

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