Fans of the movie Groundhog Day will probably recognize the source for the title of this post. My husband and I are big fans of that movie and the quote in the title of this post has become a catchphrase of ours to use whenever our son does something he has never done before or even something that he has steadfastly argued against doing for years and then just, you know, starts doing it. This includes things like eating foods he would never touch before, taking pills when he has a bad cold, adjusting to changes in schedule and routine, and all that sort of stuff. None of these are life-changing, but still worth celebrating.
One of these changes is around food choices: the homeless shelter where he volunteers provides a lunch that essentially consists of whatever has been donated recently, and he's done astonishingly well at eating things he would never have eaten before, either because there are no other options, because he's hungry after working all morning, or because of the community-type setting for the meal, who knows?
Another change, most recently, was around pop drinking. This is a guy who loves his colas (Pepsi or Coke) and has successfully argued (in his own way) that the diet versions are slightly more acceptable then the regular ones. My husband and I tend to drink ginger ale, when we drink pop at all, and often have one of those 2 litre bottles in the fridge. Up until now, Devon has completely ignored this beverage, but recently I found him pouring himself a glass. Why? Because at a recent yard sale he bought a set of four glasses with different pop logos on them, and I guess he figured the closest he'd come to Sprite was ginger ale, so he started drinking it from that glass. [updated March 2022]